Friday, February 21, 2025

OpenStack command-line interface cheat sheet


Identity (keystone).

List all users.

shell> openstack user list
| ID                               | Name  |
| 0877790a087b428193d1f4b00feaed5c | admin |
| 7659f798cdca4790ac7c900e140c3e89 | swift |

List Identity service catalog

shell> openstack catalog list
| Name     | Type         | Endpoints                                                                    |
| keystone | identity     | RegionOne                                                                    |
|          |              |   internal: http://swift-proxy:5000/v3/                                      |
|          |              | RegionOne                                                                    |
|          |              |   public: http://swift-proxy:5000/v3/                                        |
|          |              | RegionOne                                                                    |
|          |              |   admin: http://swift-proxy:5000/v3/                                         |
|          |              |                                                                              |
| swift    | object-store | RegionOne                                                                    |
|          |              |   public: http://swift-proxy:8080/v1/AUTH_99ebdac9f0bf4018a826f43e2b54f8fe   |
|          |              | RegionOne                                                                    |
|          |              |   admin: http://swift-proxy:8080/v1                                          |
|          |              | RegionOne                                                                    |
|          |              |   internal: http://swift-proxy:8080/v1/AUTH_99ebdac9f0bf4018a826f43e2b54f8fe |
|          |              |                                                                              |

Object Storage (swift)

Create the container.

openstack container create container1
openstack container create container2
openstack container create container3

Output example.

shell> openstack container create container3
| account                               | container  | x-trans-id                         |
| AUTH_99ebdac9f0bf4018a826f43e2b54f8fe | container3 | tx0cb6e293cfee4ad0a68cd-0066817ce7 |

Delete a container.

openstack container delete container3

Nếu bạn gặp lỗi Conflict (HTTP 409) khi bạn cố gắng xóa một container trong OpenStack thường xảy ra do một trong các lý do sau:

  • Container không rỗng: Container đang chứa các objects và cần phải được làm trống trước khi xóa.
  • Container đang được sử dụng: Container có thể đang được sử dụng bởi một tiến trình khác hoặc có các khóa (locks) đang hoạt động.
shell> openstack container delete container1
Conflict (HTTP 409) (Request-ID: txeb786d04a5b249b4ae92e-0066af29de)

Các bước khắc phục:

Kiểm tra và xóa các đối tượng trong container:

Liệt kê các object trong container:

shell> openstack object list container1
| Name       |
| Object-132 |

Xóa từng object trong container:

openstack object delete container1 Object-132

Hoặc xóa tất cả các đối tượng trong container bằng một lệnh vòng lặp:

for obj in $(openstack object list container1 -f value -c Name); do
    openstack object delete container1 "$obj"

Xóa lại container sau khi đã làm trống:

openstack container delete container1

List container.

shell> openstack container list
| Name                |
| container1          |
| container2          |

Upload a file named to a container named in the OpenStack Object Storage service (Swift).

shell> openstack object create container1 testfile
| object   | container  | etag                             |
| testfile | container1 | 3566de3a97906edb98d004d6b947ae9b |

List object in the container.

shell> openstack object list container1
| Name               |
| admin-openrc       |
| demo-openrc        |
| mariadb_repo_setup |
|              |
| testfile           |

View object size.

shell> openstack object show container1 testfile
| Field          | Value                                 |
| account        | AUTH_99ebdac9f0bf4018a826f43e2b54f8fe |
| container      | container1                            |
| content-length | 209715200                             |
| content-type   | application/octet-stream              |
| etag           | 3566de3a97906edb98d004d6b947ae9b      |
| last-modified  | Sun, 30 Jun 2024 15:47:49 GMT         |
| object         | testfile                              |


shell> openstack object show container1 testfile -c content-length -f value

Display statistics for a Swift account.

root@swift-proxy1:~# swift stat
                        Account: AUTH_99ebdac9f0bf4018a826f43e2b54f8fe
                     Containers: 3
                        Objects: 5
                          Bytes: 209758992
Containers in policy "policy-0": 3
   Objects in policy "policy-0": 5
     Bytes in policy "policy-0": 209758992
                         Server: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
                   Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
                     Connection: keep-alive
                    X-Timestamp: 1719686215.33484
                  Accept-Ranges: bytes
                           Vary: Accept
                     X-Trans-Id: tx594d2976586546deb97a7-0066817b64
         X-Openstack-Request-Id: tx594d2976586546deb97a7-0066817b64
        Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests

Swift list will display a list of all containers in the Swift account.

shell> swift list

Used to display statistics and metadata for a specific container named within the Swift object storage system.

shell> swift stat container1
                Account: AUTH_99ebdac9f0bf4018a826f43e2b54f8fe
              Container: container1
                Objects: 5
                  Bytes: 209758992
               Read ACL:
              Write ACL:
                Sync To:
               Sync Key:
                 Server: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
           Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
             Connection: keep-alive
            X-Timestamp: 1719686215.49936
          Last-Modified: Sat, 29 Jun 2024 18:51:49 GMT
          Accept-Ranges: bytes
       X-Storage-Policy: Policy-0
                   Vary: Accept
             X-Trans-Id: tx7876ba311bf24efcbea47-0066817c22
 X-Openstack-Request-Id: tx7876ba311bf24efcbea47-0066817c22
Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests

Performs a comprehensive health check and gathers metrics across all available categories from the Swift cluster.

swift-recon --all

The --diskusage option is used to report on the disk usage across all storage nodes in the Swift cluster.

shell> swift-recon --diskusage
--> Starting reconnaissance on 4 hosts (object)
[2024-06-30 15:59:36] Checking disk usage now
Distribution Graph:
  0%   18 *********************************************************************
  1%    2 *******
Disk usage: space used: 5587931136 of 643930521600
Disk usage: space free: 638342590464 of 643930521600
Disk usage: lowest: 0.8%, highest: 1.45%, avg: 0.8677847917684416%

Upload folder.

find /home/hoanghd/resources -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} openstack object create container1 {} --name '{}/{}'

Create Access and Secret.

shell> pip install python-openstackclient
shell> openstack ec2 credentials create
shell> openstack ec2 credentials list
| Access                           | Secret                           | Project ID                       | User ID                          |
| 7740ac01e943412f9aca2067fe37bbc6 | 66d34772e2b24ecebb6451244b6f8f88 | 99ebdac9f0bf4018a826f43e2b54f8fe | 0877790a087b428193d1f4b00feaed5c |

Display detailed information about a specific project in OpenStack

shell> openstack project show 99ebdac9f0bf4018a826f43e2b54f8fe
| Field       | Value                                         |
| description | Bootstrap project for initializing the cloud. |
| domain_id   | default                                       |
| enabled     | True                                          |
| id          | 99ebdac9f0bf4018a826f43e2b54f8fe              |
| is_domain   | False                                         |
| name        | admin                                         |
| options     | {}                                            |
| parent_id   | default                                       |
| tags        | []                                            |

Display detailed information about a specific user in OpenStack

shell> openstack user show 0877790a087b428193d1f4b00feaed5c
| Field               | Value                            |
| domain_id           | default                          |
| enabled             | True                             |
| id                  | 0877790a087b428193d1f4b00feaed5c |
| name                | admin                            |
| options             | {}                               |
| password_expires_at | None                             |

List the containers in the Swift account.

curl http://swift-proxy:8080/v1/AUTH_99ebdac9f0bf4018a826f43e2b54f8fe

Sync config object server

for device in {1..4}; do
  scp /etc/swift/swift.conf root@swift-object${device}:/etc/swift

This script is used to format disk for object server and mount it to /srv/node/sd{b..f} directory.

mkfs.xfs /dev/sd{b..f}
mkdir -p /srv/node/sd{b..f}

for drive in {b..f}; do
    UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value /dev/sd${drive})
    echo "UUID=${UUID} /srv/node/sd${drive} xfs noatime 0 2" >> /etc/fstab

mount -a


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